Tuesday, September 27

a lunch time

twas lunch time...
she was listening to upbeat music...
ironically, the songs had no effect.
there was just crying.
the songs that used to make her dance were ignored.
the mind that was traveling alone never paid attention.
the senses, for a moment stopped from their tasks.
functions were ignored, probabilities not weighted.
the heart and mind were one. bound for one destination.
will the entire being follow their leading?
will it postpone the inevitable, procrastinate and buy more time?
or will it finally follow and accept that it MUST be done?
risks were never her thing.
leaps to the unknown were just imaginings.
this place is her zone. her comfort.
will she finally take the much needed steps?
soon she will. soon she will.


sillyserious said...

hmmm... something's brewing - and it doesn't seem like the after-lunch coffee u fix. i like this post :)

Beng said...

This probably explains your relatively silent moments. Hang in there, Glads.